VhaBot Plug-in Guide Title Version Author Date Neutnet Feed Relay 1.01 Kilmanagh 12/26/2012 Module/Category Minimum Core Version Dependencies News Feed 0.8.0 Description Relays NeutNet Messages to Guildchat Notes: You can register your bot to NeutNet and it gets the spam first. However, there are some limitations to this: •Person registering the bot has to be at least level 150
Plug-in Update: IRC Relay v1.26
IRC Relay for Vhabot has been updated to v1.26. For details on the plug-in can be found here. IRC Relay allows a connection from Vhabot to a designated IRC Channel. This can allow messages from an IRC Chat room to be relayed to an Organizational channel, Private channel or both. Additionally, messages from Private Channels and Org channels can be
Irc Relay
VhaBot Plug-in Guide Title Version Author Date IRC Relay 1.26 Kilmanagh 12/22/2012 Module/Category Minimum Core Version Dependencies IRC Module 0.8.0 irc_Queue.cs Description IRC Relay allows a connection from Vhabot to a designated IRC Channel. This can allow messages from an IRC Chat room to be relayed to an Organizational channel, Private channel or both. Additionally, messages from Private Channels and
VhaBot .0.8.0 Released
Announcing the lastest version of VhaBot with all updated plug-ins. This version fixes numerous bugs and upgrades to the core as well as plug-ins. The file can be downloaded here. Core Changes: Visual Basic Plugins now complie correctly Sendirc Function and Events that allows plugins to send a message directly to irc Contributors to plugins can now be listed in