Development Notes for November As some of you may be aware that my long break from Anarchy Online is over as I have been quite tied up with real life issues for the last year. There have been a lot of in-game changes as well as changes in what services are out there for users to use. Websites have went
Forum Temporally Offline
We have temporally taken down the forum section of the website while the website is under construction. This feature will be offline until further notice. The website is undergoing a major overhaul to modernize the website that will introduce an improved experience for VhaBot users. In the meantime, help can be found at our FaceBook Page.
Website Overhaul Underway
We will be doing a major overhaul of our website here. The overhaul is due to changing web technology that has rendered our current website very difficult to maintain. The website will be updated over the next month in incremental updates. Please bare with us as we move forward with the process. Additionally, a new and improved build of VhaBot
Vhabot Gets ReSharped with JetBrains
The project has re-secured an Open Source License to JetBrain’s ReSharper extension for Visual Studio. The license code will be available only for active developers and contributors to the project.
Vhabot 1.0 RC1 Tecnhology Preview Released
Version 1.0 RC1 Technology Preview has been released. .Net Framework 4.0 is now required. More information will be presented at a later date.
Server Move
The website is in the process of a server move by getting a new host. The current host, which is CentOS based has become unreliable. We will be moving the website to a Windows Platform. This will enable the website to easily interact with Vhabot using .Net for the the more advanced features that are planned in the future.
Bot Development Resumed
Development for the Bot has resumed after months of inactivity. Bot development was temporary frozen for a number of reasons. Funcom: Uncertainty of Funcom’s dedication to Anarchy Online. With so many delays in their development of the “New Engine” and the lack of communication with fans, it is still a major concern. Population has dropped considerably, and Funcom does not seem to have a realistic plan of action.
DNet Feed Relay Plugin Released
A DNet Feed Relay Plugin has been released. This will allow organization channels to read DNet broadcasts. For details on the plug-in can be found here. Download Link
Dnet Feed Relay
VhaBot Plug-in Guide Title Version Author Date Dnet Feed Relay 1.00 Kilmanagh 03/12/2013 Module/Category Minimum Core Version Dependencies News Feed 0.8.1 Description Relays Dnet Messages to Guildchat Notes: Unless your bot is level 50 or more, In order to get Dnet to spam to your orgbot, you must ask a Dnet Admin to register your bot. You can find the