The downloads section has been temporally disabled. The vendor that supplies’ my download manager has recently updated their product that is causing issues for everyone that is using his product. Therefore, the downloads section will not work until the vendor can correct the problems. Vhabot can be downloaded using this link : Vhabot Download I apologize for the inconvenience .
Funcom Changes (Back to Rk5)
Apparently, Funcom has changed their minds yet again. First they were going to call the new dimension RK5, then they changed their minds and moved to Rk1. As of yesterday they changed back to Rk5. Anyone that has downloaded Vhabot previously, will have to download it again. The good news is that you only have to replace AoLib.dll with your current dll. Restart
Quick-Start Guide in Progress
A quick-start guide for users not familiar with the bot will be available soon. A few things ahead of time. If your using Vhabot as in org bot, you can assign it to your org bot in a couple easy steps:
VhaBot .0.8.1 (Merger Compatibility)
Anarchy Online has performed a merger of Rk1 and Rk2. This is an update to work with the new merged server. Notice: Due to the complexity of Vhabot using character ID,s and Org Id.s It is recommended that you treat this as a fresh install and start over with building your bot. The new server assigns new ID’s that will not match with your previous server.
AO Server Merge
The server merge happened today. We will work hard to get the VhaBot up and running within a day or so with the new settings.
New Plugin: Doja Chips
Doja Chips plugin for Vhabot has been created. For details and an extensive guide on the plug-in can be found here. Description: Shows info of DOJA chips and which chip you need at your level. Ported from Budabot. Download Link
Doja Chips
VhaBot Plug-in Guide Title Version Author Date Doja Chips 1.00 Kilmanagh 01/11/2013 Module/Category Minimum Core Version Dependencies HelpBot 0.8.0 Description Shows info of DOJA chips and which chip you need at your level.Notes: Ported from Budabot that was developed by Mackten. Usages: Doja [level 1-220] Omitting the level will show info about all Doja Chips the
Plug-in Update: Title Levels v1.01
Title Levels plugin for Vhabot has been updated to v1.01. For details and an extensive guide on the plug-in can be found here. Description: Gives information on generic and profession PVP/PVM title levels. Included are: Title Levels, AI Titles, Legacy PVP Titles, Duels PVP Titles, Team PVP Titles, Solo PVP Titles Download Link
Title Levels
VhaBot Plug-in Guide Title Version Author Date Title Levels 1.01 Kilmanagh 12/26/2012 Module/Category Minimum Core Version Dependencies Helpbot 0.8.0 Description Gives information on generic and profession PVP/PVM title levels. Included are: Title Levels, AI Titles, Legacy PVP Titles, Duels PVP Titles, Team PVP Titles, Solo PVP Titles titles command Displays the main Titles menu, this can be used to navigate
Plug-in Update: Neutnet Feed Relay v1.01
Neutnet Feed Relay for Vhabot has been updated to v1.01. For details on the plug-in can be found here. Download Link 1.01 Changes: Support for increased number of NeutNet bots to listen to (now up to Neutnet21) Added IRC Relay Support, Optionally NeutNet messages can be relayed to your IRC channel Changed Tile from NeutNet Spam Relay to NeutNet